How to brief: build a chatbot

Chat building: at a glance.

Lets start this short tutorial off by removing HTML from the process. There are a lot of chat HTML templates to choose from, AI can build one and you probrably know what is involved. Instead, lets talk server-side for a minute. Since our service revolves around launching the server-side executeable to contact Open AI get the question answered and then return the information. Both the sender screen information and the return information can have whatever HTML you desire to custom format the in/outputs. Simply provide that html along with your domain name.
Jumping ahead even more, getting to the beef of the real points. Every chat html has a section for the chats. For our javascript to work, give it the ID of "chat-first" and ever chat html has an input section for the user to enter a question for the chat bot, give it the id "TextData". This will help run our js. If you have your own js and just need the executeable code to launch then ""+question where question is the provided text . The reply will be the html formmtted code and answer you need. "" in case you want to use our html formatting. Or do it your own way.
We provide more than these terse docs. This is more or less enough to get some started. More detail can be obtained by contacting us with specific questions.